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chair cushions with patent vinyl

I was gifted a set of retro kitchen chairs and table (actually new to look old) and am about to undertake recovering the cushions. Previous owner had cats... enough said.
I thought of using the red patent vinyl. I only have an old home sewing machine so wasn't sure if it would go through the multi-layers required to add piping.
The cushions are about 3-4" thick and am concerned that without the piping and separate side pieces, the result will be a mess of puckers.
The "back" of the back is nailed in place with tacks so that conceals the stretched material in that area.
As a novice, with minimal skills and tools, am I in over my head with this project before I start? I have a compressor and staple gun, and a old home sewing machine.
I am willing to learn but my reading on this site leads me to believe that sewing this material is a challenge and I might just be better off sticking with a staple gun!